While you were watching your Nvidia stock soar to record highs, neuroscience researchers have been slowly, over the last 10 years, been chipping away at mapping the entire brain of the fruit fly. With a mere 140,000 brain cells having 50 million connections the fruit fly is power house of computational machinery, able to perform flight navigation through almost any environment (especially around bananas in my kitchen) sense weak gases, even sing mating calls to potential mates. A few days ago the map was completed.
How does this relate to AI patents you say?
Nature is conserved, meaning we as humans share many more similarities than dissimilarities with the fruit fly, in fact we share 60% of our genome with the humble fruit fly. You can see where this is going, once the “plumbing” is mapped in the brain of a conserved system, the elusive systems that give rise to consciousness can no longer hide in the shadows of cross talk and multi dimensional activation functions in the meso scale of neural function, meaning true consciousness will be revealed.
At some point machine based AI and biology based intelligence will intersect and the tools that emerge will be not so unfamiliar as HAL 9000. Whomever holds the most patents at this intersection will be very wealthy.
See a map of the fruit fly’s brain here: